
National Stand Down for Safety Week

June 2-6 has been designated national “Stand Down” for safety in construction week by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). And with today being the anniversary of the tragic Philadelphia Market Street building collapse, there is no better time to consider safety precautions that will protect workers and make job sites safer in any… Read more


Workplace accidents increase after daylight saving time change

Earlier this week, Pennsylvania and the rest of the country set their clocks ahead one hour in observance of daylight saving time. The spring tradition continues to make people lose one hour of sleep so that there is more daylight during the spring and summer. While many people have become used to the time change,… Read more


Forklift safety hazards include carbon monoxide poisoning

Forklifts are commonly used in the manufacturing and construction industry, making it vital that workers and employers in these industries understand the safety risks associated with forklifts. While many employers understand their duty to educate and train employees on how to drive forklifts, many employers and workers don’t understand the hazards of using forklifts and… Read more


Fall protection remains top safety violation

Workplace accidents and injuries in Pennsylvania are all too common. Falls remain one of most common workplace accidents in the state and throughout the country, with three of the top five workplace violations reported by OSHA involving accidents caused by working at dangerous heights. The top workplace safety violations in 2012 were fall protection, hazard… Read more


OSHA Focused on Reducing the Number of Workplace Injuries

Workplace safety has long been a major priority for state and local governments. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has spent decades trying to improve safety conditions for workers across the country. While these efforts have reduced the number of deaths and serious injuries in the workplace, serious problems still remain. The agency recently… Read more


AFL-CIO Releases “Death on the Job”: Its 2011 Worker Safety Report

Recently, the AFL-CIO released the 2011 edition of its annual report on American workers’ safety and health. Entitled “Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect,” the report compiles statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and presents the findings in terms of lives lost, numbers of illnesses and injuries, as well as the… Read more


Eleven Workers’ Compensation Issues Sure To Impact 2011

When the U.S. Department of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced its preliminary report of the top 10 most-frequent workplace safety violations in 2009 at the annual National Safety Council’s (NSC) Congress and Expo, the report revealed that the top violations had risen almost 30 percent. For four decades, OSHA has struggled to enforce… Read more