7/16/14 – Maria Bermudez Participating in Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Clarence Darrow Event


July 16, 2014

(Philadelphia, PA) -Martin Law attorney Maria E. Bermudez will participate as a panel member in what is billed as a “spellbinding” event hosted by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute: “Clarence Darrow: Crimes, Causes and the Courtroom” will take place Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 8:30 a.m. – noon at the PBI’s CLE Conference Center, The Wanamaker Building, 10th floor, Philadelphia (registration begins at 8 a.m.). The event begins with a solo performance by Graham Thatcher followed by an expert panel discussion of the various legal issues raised during the performance.

A man of great controversy, Darrow was seen as a savior by some and a villain by others. He vehemently opposed the death penalty and only lost one murder case during his career. The performance will highlight Darrow’s wit and eloquence as four of his most famous trials unfold.

The cost to attend is $254 for members of any Pennsylvania county bar association, with discounts available for the newly-admitted, paralegals/law clerks and members of the judiciary. Attendees are eligible for 3 Total CLE credits, 1 of which may be applied toward ethics. Additionally, the event will be simulcast to 18 locations throughout the commonwealth.

Bermudez, who focuses her practice on Social Security and Long-Term Disability is active in a number of professional and cultural organizations. She was elected in May of this year to serve a three-year term as a Zone 1 Delegate to the Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates, is Chair-Elect of the Young Lawyers Division (YLD) of the Philadelphia Bar Association, is a member of the Minority Bar Committee of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and a board member of Friends of Farmworkers. In 2013, she was named a “Lawyer on the Fast Track,” by The Legal Intelligencer, the oldest law journal in the United States.

For more information on the event, visit pbi.org.