Workers’ Compensation for Burns or Scarring

If you were disfigured in a workplace accident, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for your altered appearance to your head or neck. If the burns disable you from working you are entitled to wage loss benefits as well.

The attorneys of Martin Law have continued experience advocating for victims of burn injuries or permanent face scarring. We work to maximize your payout by demonstrating the impact on your life.

Call us at 215.587.8400 to learn your rights in a free consultation. We have served injured workers across Philadelphia and southeast Pennsylvania for 30 years.

Disfiguring Workplace Accidents

No matter what happened, how it happened or who was at fault, workers’ comp pays specific benefits for injuries that result in visible scarring of the head, face or neck. We have handled claims such as:

Specific Loss Benefits for Permanent Scars

Scheduled benefits for disfigurement are based on the severity. The weekly/bi-weekly amount is equal to what your wage loss benefits would be. This is paid on top of your regular wages, and paid whether or not you missed work.

The maximum benefit for scarring is 275 weeks. A workers’ compensation judge determines how disfigured you are. The reality is that younger women are typically compensated at a higher rate than men of equal age or older women. We submit before-and-after evidence and testimony about the personal impact. We can appeal if the award is not adequate.

Disability Benefits for Burn Injuries

Burn injuries on any part of the body can be grounds for total disability or partial disability claims. We help clients document the intense pain, painful or reduced movement, lost range of motion, nerve damage and other disabling effects of second- or third-degree burns.

We also work to ensure that clients are not barred from seeing burn injury specialists who can properly treat these wounds, or who are otherwise denied medical treatment such as physical therapy, skin graft surgery, cosmetic surgery or pain meds.

Our lawyers can answer all your questions and estimate the value of your claim in a free consultation. We have several offices in the Philly Metro area and surrounding counties. There are no attorney fees unless we secure your benefits.