
Proposals to Make It Easier to Receive Black Lung Benefits Being Considered

In an effort to make it easier for coal miners and their families to receive black lung benefits, the U.S. Department of Labor is considering proposed changes to the rules that govern the distribution of these disability benefits. What Is Black Lung Disease? Black lung disease, also known as coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, occurs when coal… Read more


Incentive Plans Leading to a Decrease in Reported Injuries?

Employers frequently offer incentive plans to employees for timely completion of work. Bonuses of extra compensation or additional time off can provide motivation to employees to do everything they can to ensure that projects are finished ahead of schedule. However, not all incentive plans may have employees’ best interests in mind. Incentive plans that are… Read more


Substantial and Competent Evidence

In the case Upper Darby Township v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Nicastro), the Court reversed a judge’s decision to reinstate claimant’s benefits in 2004, due to the fact that the employee ceased working because of non-work related issues. The employer and employee had previously signed a “Binding Stipulation of Fact to Resolve the Issues in… Read more


6/5/12 – Martin Law’s Harris Appointed to Friends of Farmworkers Board

PRESS RELEASE   Date: June 5, 2012 Contact: Jamie K. Mulholland, Jamie Mulholland Marketing: (609) 770-2502, April M. Colby, Marketing Manager, Martin Law: (267) 765-2024, Martin Law’ Harris Appointed to Friends of Farmworkers Board (Philadelphia, PA) – Associate Maria E. Harris of Martin Law has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Friends… Read more

Press releases

6/5/12 – Martin Law’s Huttemann To Present Phila CLE Program

PRESS RELEASE Date: June 5, 2012 Contact: Jamie K. Mulholland, Jamie Mulholland Marketing: (609) 770-2502, April M. Colby, Marketing Manager, Martin Law: (267) 765-2024, Martin Law’ Huttemann to present Phila CLE Program (Philadelphia, PA) – Partner Joseph C. Huttemann of Martin Law will present a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program entitled “Advanced Workers’… Read more


Falls Most Common Type of Fatal Construction Accident

The construction season is underway. With the economy slowly improving, more businesses may decide that now is the right time to start expanding their operations. Construction of new buildings can have jobsites filled with several types of different kinds of workers. While safety is usually a high priority, it is not uncommon for construction accidents… Read more


Workers Need to Exercise Care in the Summer Heat

The Memorial Day weekend is often thought of as the start of the summer. This means warmer temperatures and an opportunity to complete outdoor projects. Whether it is construction of a new road, remodeling a home or working in the agriculture industry, many different occupations will be spending a great deal of time outdoors. Each… Read more


Martin Law Attorneys Excel on 2012 Super Lawyers List

Martin Law once again has a dominating presence on the 2012 Super Lawyers® List. For the 3rd consecutive year all six of our partners are listed as Pennsylvania Super Lawyers, including four partners on the Top 100 in Philadelphia. Also, Martin Law attorneys represent half of the workers’ comp attorneys listed on the Top 100… Read more


On-the-job Injuries Caused by Co-workers Under the Influence?

Even under the best conditions, a construction site is a chaotic place. With so many different activities happening each and every day, it is important for all workers to be on the same page. Any mistake can lead to a construction accident which may cause serious injuries or death. To help reduce the risk of… Read more


Pension Offset

In the case Horner v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Liquor Control Board), the Court reaffirmed its previous decisions that an employer can illustrate the extent to which it funded a defined benefit pension plan through expert actuarial testimony. If a defined benefit pension plan exists, the employer does not have to show any documentation of… Read more