
Hospitals should track workplace injuries and accidents

When a worker suffers a workplace injury, they often receive treatment from a hospital or clinic. While hospitals track a lot of information about their patients, they do not keep track of workplace injuries that require medical attention. Reports show that over four million workers are injured every year in the U.S. and workplace safety… Read more


Pennsylvania firefighters losing workers’ compensation coverage

Insurance companies are dropping firefighters from their workers’ compensation coverage in Pennsylvania due to reports showing that firefighters have an increased risk of developing cancer. Insurers started dropping coverage after the Firefighters Cancer Presumption Act was approved in 2011. The Firefighters Cancer Presumption Act says that every form of cancer can be considered a work-related… Read more


Work accidents can be prevented during road construction

During the spring and summer months in Pennsylvania, it is not uncommon to see more road construction projects blooming than actual flowers. The state has worked hard to make these work zones safe for construction workers and the public, but work zones accidents continue to happen every year. Road construction workers face several hazards while… Read more


Fall risk much higher for residential construction workers

Construction workers face several risks while working but one of the biggest safety risks comes from construction falls. Previous reports have shown that falls are still a significant hazard for workers in the construction industry but what kinds of falls are the most dangerous? A new study found that falls from roofs were the most… Read more


Congress proposes bill to increase protections for US workers

The U.S. Congress will be considering a proposed bill aimed at extending safety regulations and workplace protections for workers. The bill, Protecting America’s Workers Act, would strengthen the Occupational Safety and Health Act and benefit workers in Pennsylvania and throughout the country. The proposed bill would offer protection to more American workers that are currently… Read more


Attorney Wilson part of faculty at “tough” CLE Event

Martin Law partner Matt Wilson served as a faculty member for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program entitled “Tough Problems in Workers’ Compensation 2013” on Tuesday, April 9th at the CLE Conference Center in the Wanamaker Building in Philadelphia.   The program covered key areas in Workers’ Compensation Law, including: · Mastering… Read more


Attorney Carlson on Workers Comp Hearing Loss Claims

Martin Law partner Alfred J. Carlson was recently quoted in an article titled, “Work-Related Hearing Loss Claims: Conclusive Data Prove Elusive” written by Karen Pallarito for The Hearing Journal on April 2013 – Volume 66 – Issue 4. The article discusses the ongoing significant problem of hearing loss in the U.S. and the trend of… Read more


Temporary, migrant workers less likely to report work injuries

We’ve previously discussed how temporary workers are more likely to be injured on the job. Now, a new study found that temporary and migrant workers in the U.S. continue to suffer more workplace injuries because they are more vulnerable to be involved in a workplace accident. Why are temporary and migrant workers more likely to… Read more


Attorney George Martin Honored by Local Conservation Group

  George Martin, founding partner of Martin, LLC was recently honored by the French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust with the “Morris Conservation Award” for his contributions to the organization’s work. Martin, who was honored along with his wife, Christy, has a deep commitment to the environment. He and his wife are both former French… Read more


First responders have higher risk of suffering mental disorders

Mental disorders can affect any type of worker in the U.S but a new study found that first responders who are new to the job have a higher risk of suffering from a mental disorder after witnessing repeated traumatic events while working. The study found that first responders, firefighters and police officers who are relatively… Read more