
SSA to require representative payees to undergo background check

For nearly two years, the Social Security Administration has been piloting a program in Philadelphia that it hoped would better protect individuals receiving Social Security disability benefits or retirement benefits. The SSA began conducting background checks on people who applied to be a representative payee of a disabled or elderly person who received benefits but… Read more


The importance of proper fitting protective equipment

To prevent workplace injuries and accidents, workers are provided protective equipment. Personal protective equipment is very important and can reduce or prevent injuries during an accident in the workplace. As the workforce continues to change in the United States, does personal protective equipment also need to evolve to make sure it is offering the best… Read more

Press releases

2/27/14 – PA Supreme Ct: Liquor Store Robbery Injury NOT Normal Working Condition

An alert on the PA Supreme Court Decision vacating a 2011 Commonwealth Court decision halting Workers’ Compensation payments to former liquor store manager Greg KochanowiczMarch 11, 2014 (Philadelphia, PA) – The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has vacated a 2011 Commonwealth Court decision and reinstated the earlier decision of a trial court judge who determined that… Read more


Pennsylvania workers at risk for chemical spills

The recent chemical spill in West Virginia may have left many people living in Pennsylvania wondering about the risk of a chemical spill in their neighborhood. Chemical spills are very dangerous for everyone involved. However, those who work around hazardous chemicals every day face many risks that the general public probably isn’t aware of. Did… Read more


Al Carlson Teaching CLE Course on Social Media in Workers Compensation

Partner Alfred J. Carlson will serve as a faculty member for a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) course entitled “I Know What you Did Last Weekend: Use of Social Media in Workers’ Compensation Litigation” on Friday, March 7, from 12:30-1:30pm at the Philadelphia Bar Association offices at 11th & Market Street in Philadelphia. The program, sponsored… Read more


Fatal accidents increase for cellphone tower workers

As cellphone carriers rush to upgrade their networks to provide consumers with faster wireless speeds on their phones, they are be putting certain workers at risk for being injured or killed on-the-job. The cellphone tower industry has seen an increase in fatal accidents in the United States, alarming the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In… Read more


Veterans Disability Claims Process Changing?

The Department of Veterans Affairs, in the midst of a multi-year plan to enhance efficiency and clear up a backlog of some 400,000 compensation claims, is changing the way for veterans to file for benefits. These changes are getting mixed reviews. Historically, veterans could complete benefit application forms by hand and simply mail them to… Read more


Back injuries are number one workplace injury in US

Workplace injuries can result in short-term and long-term complications for workers. There are many different types of workplace injuries that workers commonly suffer from, but did you know that back injuries are still the number one type of workplace injury in the United States? Back injuries are caused by a variety of factors and can… Read more


How the Social Security Administration can prevent fraud

Many people in Philadelphia likely heard about the huge number of arrests and subsequent indictments of retired police officers in New York for defrauding the Social Security disability program. The shocking news undoubtedly left many people wondering how they could get away with it? How could their applications have been accepted when they were clearly… Read more


An unusual twist on attempted murder

When a person thinks of the workers’ compensation system, he or she rarely considers attempted murder. However, a woman who was attacked by her own son can actually receive workers’ compensation benefits, according to a ruling from Commonwealth Court. The woman was caring for her son via a state compensation agreement. According to records, the… Read more