
Court: California FedEx drivers were misclassified as contractors

Worker misclassification is a major employment issue in the U.S. Workers who are classified as independent contractors are not eligible for workers’ compensation, health insurance and other benefits. It’s a cost savings for the business ”“ and a detriment for the worker. That imbalance of benefits is one reason a recent appellate court ruling regarding… Read more


Workplace violence: The hidden danger for health care professionals

The psychiatric patient showed up to the hospital at about 1:30 p.m., nearly an hour early for his appointment. According to National Public Radio, colleagues heard arguing and saw the patient pointing a gun at his psychiatrist. They called 911, but the shooting started at about 2:30 p.m. According to NPR, the psychiatrist told police… Read more


Four Martin Attorneys Named to 2015 ‘Best Lawyers in America®’ List

Martin Law is pleased to announce that four lawyers have been named to the 2015 Edition of Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. Best Lawyers has published their list for over three decades, earning the respect of the profession, the media, and the public as the most reliable,… Read more


Back to School Supply Drive: Martin Law Dropoff Location

Martin Law is proud to support our own Maria Bermudez, Chair-Elect of the Young Lawyers Division (YLD) with their Second Annual Back to School Supply Drive. Download the flyer here! The Young Lawyers Division is proud to announce that it is once again holding a Back to School Supply Drive to obtain donations for students… Read more


Special workers’ Compensation Protections For Pennsylvania Firefighters

The Firefighters Cancer Presumption Act and other laws provide increased workers’ comp coverage for firefighters.When the calls for help come in, firefighters charge into burning buildings while other people run out of them. The real risks of the job, however, often appear years later. Firefighters have a significantly higher risk of cancer and certain other… Read more


Man who fell after quitting his job is eligible for workers’ comp

Can you receive workers’ compensation benefits for an injury that happened after you quit your job? In at least one case, the answer is yes. In a recent case decided by the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court, a worker argued that he should obtain benefits for injuries that happened after he quit — and the court agreed…. Read more


Construction workers worry about work zone speed limit increases

Pennsylvania is raising the speed limits on some interstates. For drivers, the changes could allow them to save a few minutes on the road, but some construction workers fear that more speed will mean more serious work zone accidents. In late July, the speed limit was raised to 70 mph on the Pennsylvania Turnpike from… Read more


Study: aspirin may lower risk of certain types of cancer

Cancer is a truly horrible disease. It has cost many individuals in our country their lives. Even when a cancer proves to not be fatal, its effects can be vast and deep. Impairments caused by a cancer and the treatments for it can have a wide variety of implications for an individual, both professional and… Read more