
Top 3 Reasons to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Written By: Jenna L. King, Esq. When you suffer a disabling work-related injury, you quickly come to understand that beyond managing the physical issues related to that injury, there are also a host of legal issues and processes to navigate at the same time. For many injured workers, their workers’ compensation claim is their first… Read more


Can I be fired for seeking Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Written by: Lauren McDowell, Esq. You should not lose your job for pursuing the legal benefits that the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act affords employees. An employer cannot fire an employee in retaliation for seeking worker compensation benefits. However, an employer is allowed to fire an employee for other non-injury related reasons.   Unfortunately, it is… Read more


Who pays for Workers’ Compensation medical bills?

by STEVEN RYAN, Esq., an associate with Martin Law who practices Workers’ Compensation law. When someone suffers a work injury, the first step is usually to obtain medical treatment.  In an ideal world, when someone is hurt at work, medical bills resulting from that injury are paid by the workers’ compensation insurance carrier or employer.  … Read more


How to Pick the Right Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Let’s face it: No one really wants to deal with an attorney. Most people would rather have a root canal than get involved in a legal matter. Unfortunately, life is full of unexpected events, many of which require legal counsel. It is always difficult to find the “right” attorney or law firm for you. As… Read more


Can You Collect Workers’ Compensation While Working?

Can you collect workers’ compensation while working? Or can you collect workers comp while on light duty? A work injury is something no one expects to go through. Unfortunately, thousands of people suffer work injuries on a daily basis. Some injuries are minor and require minimal treatment. Some injuries are major and result in time… Read more


Medical Marijuana and Workers Compensation in PA

We are all now aware of a worsening opioid crisis in America.  Typically, the only choice for pain management is a combination of medications including opioids, muscle relaxants, injections, anti-inflammatories, and a series of other drugs for everything ranging from a muscular injury to depression.  Unfortunately, many of these medications do not work well when… Read more


When to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Suffering an injury while working could have a devastating impact on you and your family. If you are unable to work and/or require medical treatment, life becomes extremely challenging. The hope is that the Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier will do the right thing and take care of your needs. Unfortunately, that is not always the… Read more



What is a consultative examination? Shortly after filing a claim for disability benefits, you may receive a message from the Social Security Administration informing you of an examination appointment. This medical exam is known as a “consultative exam.” It is normal to feel nervous upon receiving this notice, and you may very well feel apprehension…. Read more


What Are Disfigurement Claims?

In Pennsylvania, if an employee sustains permanent, unsightly disfigurement or scarring of the head, face, or neck during their employment, they may be entitled to compensation. However, benefits will not continue to be awarded for more than 275 weeks, as determined at the discretion of the Workers’ Compensation Judge after a hearing. Disfigurement could include… Read more


Can you work while collecting Social Security Disability?

As a Social Security Disability Attorney, people often ask me if being on Social Security Disability means you are not allowed to work. Social Security’s definition of disability is “an inability to work.” By this definition, working would disqualify someone from collecting disability at the same.             Social Security defines work in a particular way…. Read more