
Pension Offset

In the case Horner v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Liquor Control Board), the Court reaffirmed its previous decisions that an employer can illustrate the extent to which it funded a defined benefit pension plan through expert actuarial testimony. If a defined benefit pension plan exists, the employer does not have to show any documentation of… Read more


OSHA Criticized for Rulemaking Process

Whenever a serious workplace injury happens within Pennsylvania, there is often an investigation to determine the accident’s cause. What led to the worker’s injury? Is there anything that can be done to prevent these accidents and injuries from occurring in the future? State and federal agencies use this information to develop new rules that are… Read more


Equivocal Evidence

In the case Potere v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (KEMCORP), the Court found that if a medical expert’s testimony is clearly contradictory on important points, an appeallate body is allowed to deem it equivocal. However, since the Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) is the ultimate fact finder in deciding a case, it is up to the… Read more


Death on the Job Report Released

Most of us know someone who has a dangerous occupation. Whether it is a construction worker at a crowded jobsite or a police officer making a traffic stop, it is impossible to predict when an accident may occur. Workers who end up with an injury may rely on workers’ compensation to help make ends meet,… Read more


Distracted Drivers a Problem in Construction Zones?

By now, most of us are very familiar with the dangers of distracted driving. Reducing the number of accidents caused by distracted drivers has been a major focus of many different state and federal agencies. Pennsylvania has banned texting while driving, but handheld cellphone use is still permitted. As road construction season arrives, construction workers… Read more


Death on the Job – Improving Workplace Safety after a Tragedy

There are many dangerous occupations where workers risk their lives every single day. Even workers in professions with seemingly low accident rates need to be aware of the potential issues that may lead to serious injuries or death. While most people are able to perform their daily tasks without any issues arising, accidents happen with… Read more


Attorney Joe Huttemann Authored “Workers’ Comp Certification” Article

Partner Joe Huttemann recently authored an article on “The New Workers’ Compensation Certification: Breaking Ground for the Pennsylvania Bar Association” for The Legal Intelligencer, the oldest law journal in the United States. Joe’s article reviewed this landmark new process for attorneys and its expected impact on the profession…not just for attorneys who practice Workers’ Compensation,… Read more


Employer Accident Records Crucial for Workplace Safety

No one wants to miss time from work. Every dollar counts. Some employees feel that if they are going to be forced to take time off to recover for an illness or injury sustained on the job that they might lose that job. With employers looking to reduce overhead, some employees are being placed into… Read more


What Factors Most Impact Workplace Safety?

Several studies have tried to determine ways toward improving workplace safety. However, each industry faces unique risks and challenges, making it difficult to developing a one-size-fits-all approach to safety. Employers focusing on the big picture may miss the underlying causes of accidents, which could lead to more workplace injuries and workers’ compensation claims. A study… Read more


Workplace Safety for Healthcare Professionals

When we begin our commute to our workplace, we spend most of our time thinking about our daily tasks. What do we need to do and when do we need to have it complete. Planning out our workday rarely involves thinking about what could go wrong. Many employees in the healthcare field do not have… Read more