
Why does it take so long to receive a decision on my SSDI/SSI claim?

Initial Level There are multiple steps in the SSDI/SSI application process. When you submit your initial application to the Social Security Administration (SSA), your claim is “developed” by an SSA employee known as an “adjudicator.” It is the adjudicators responsibility to request your medical records, send you the necessary paperwork, and request further medical exams… Read more


What’s the difference between SSDI and SSI and which is right for you?

If you have become disabled and need to file for disability, the application process can be overwhelming. However, there are ways to get through it. Your first step is to identify the most important questions that need to be answered before you apply: • Which program will I be eligible for? • What programs are… Read more

Press releases

$3.2 Million Workers’ Compensation Settlement

(Philadelphia) –Martin Law partner Joseph Huttemann just recently secured a $3.2 million worker’s compensation settlement for his client. The $3,200,000 settlement was obtained for a 21 year old automotive technician, who became a paraplegic after suffering a cervical fracture and arterial dissection from a car accident on his way to a training seminar. The insurance… Read more


Supreme Court Declares Impairment Rating Evaluations Unconstitutional

The most significant judicial decision to change workers’ compensation law in the last 20 years occurred on June 20, 2017 when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued Protz v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Derry Area School District), __Pa. __, A.3 __ (No. 6 WAP 2016 and No. 7 WAP 2016, decided June 20, 2017). In Protz,… Read more

Press releases

Matthew Wilson to be a Moderator at Best Practices CLE

(Philadelphia) –Martin Law partner Matthew Wilson is the faculty planner and moderator of the PBI’s upcoming CLE Workers’ Compensation: Best Practices and Recommendations on May 17, 2017. The panel will include Workers’ Compensation judges and practitioners from across the state. Matthew Wilson is a partner of Martin Law and practices exclusively in the area of… Read more


High-quality Medical Treatment for Injured Workers

One of the hardest problems an injured worker faces is obtaining high-quality medical treatment. Frequently this is a complicated decision. As lawyers, we can help guide our clients, but we are not doctors. I am frequently asked the questions: “Is my doctor doing the right thing?” or “Should I have surgery?” I can provide guidance… Read more


How Social Security Hearings Work

Preparing for a hearing can be nerve-racking, particularly when you’ve been waiting nearly two years and aren’t quite sure what to expect. While we can’t control everything you might be nervous about, our hope is that this article will give you some insight into the process and make you feel more prepared going into your… Read more


Is my workers’ compensation taxable?

“Do I have to pay taxes on workers compensation?” It’s that time of year that everyone hates, yes it is tax season. I am frequently asked the question, “Is my workers compensation taxable?” The answer is no. There is no federal or state income tax applied to the weekly receipt of the workers’ compensation check…. Read more