Understanding illnesses in the workplace
Pennsylvania residents know that the government maintains regulations for on-the-job safety. While certainly guarding against a work-related accident is important, these regulations are also designed to help prevent or lower the risk of an occupational illness. From a completely physical condition to a mental illness like depression, a workplace illness can have long-term effects on a worker.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that a workplace can be found to be the cause of or a contributor to an occupational disease. It can also be found to have exacerbated a previously existing condition. The involvement of a pre-existing condition does not necessarily eliminate coverage for medical expenses as a viable work-related illness. It can, however, be a factor that makes tying the two together difficult.
In general, Business Insurance explains that making the connection between illnesses and workplaces is not easy. Sometimes companies need to investigate options outside of the workplace in order to fully determine the root cause of a person’s medical condition. When evaluating whether or not a work environment has played a role in an illness, the approach can include ruling it out as a potential contributor. Primary and secondary factors can also be identified as playing a part in the ultimate manifestation of the illness.
Ailments can be experienced due to a variety of situations like exposure to toxic substances, prolonged excessive cold or heat or sounds at specific audiometric levels. Lungs, skin, muscles and more can all be affected. The conditions can be short-term or long-term.